From the Grand Ventron to the Orbi, you must count 2.5 hours of walking over 10 kilometers with a 345-meter altitude difference.
Upon arrival, a beautiful view on Ventron warms the heart.
It’s from this ascension that Yann and Matthieu got the name of the group.
The music has nothing to do with this epic hike done 30 years earlier by the duo then 11-12 years old.
Here there’s Yann with his analog machines fiddling with drones, laters and sounds.
And there is Matthieu and his bitch of a life with systems of exploitation that elongate, retouch, stretch, and cut the experimentations sent by Yann.
Because this entire project was done remotely, with an atmosphere of data flows and phone calls.
On the sound level, we’re sure of the dark ambient, pulling sometimes towards industrial but not only (because my mother said with surprise that it was relaxing). We’re no longer on superimposed sound strata with material that envelops the listener and brings them to another level of consciousness like when you look into the emptiness at the end of the day. A bit of rhythm, some recordings from everyday life, and voilà the ORBI project.